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Clean-up & Decontamination

There are many different types of nuisance wildlife that can invade attics and crawl spaces, and each of them presents their own problems with damage and contamination.  The one thing that all types of animal infestations have in common is that there will always be feces, urine, trash, debris, nesting materials, bacteria and pheromones left behind by the animals after their removal.  Attic Decontamination is a term used by Nuisance Wildlife Control companies for the process of restoring an attic to its original state after it has been invaded, contaminated, and damaged by rodent infestation.  
After a rodent infestation, your home is contaminated in every sense of the word.   Rodents themselves can carry diseases and other possibly infected pests like fleas and ticks.   Rodents often use insulation, bits of wood, fabric, and other soft and malleable things to create their nests.  These nests are then infected, as well as the areas the rodents touched to gather materials.   Rodents can leave traces of feces, urine, hair, oil, and even blood behind.  Removing all lingering health risks that come from a rodent infestation, may mean that some or all insulation must be removed completely and replaced.   Allowing these substances to stay in your home can lead to serious health risks for you and your family.  
Decontamination is serious business and must be handled by professionals who have undergone proper training and know the importance of using the proper personal protective equipment and cleaning materials.  We use industrial-grade vacuum equipment to extract and collect contaminated insulation.  We can remove large quantities of animal waste rather quickly, and in a method that is safe for everyone. All areas where the animal infestation occurred will be thoroughly cleaned and special enzyme based disinfectants will be used to kill any remaining microorganisms and parasites as well as remove left behind pheromone trails.  
SnakeBite Wildlife offers comprehensive crawl space repair and cleanup services specifically focused on rodents and nuisance wildlife.  The presence of rodents and wildlife in your crawl space can cause mold and decay, due to the feces and urine of the critters not to mention a very unpleasant smell. Rodents are also known for nesting in and damaging insulation, and vapor barriers. In addition, it is not uncommon to find food , nesting material, dead rodents, wood debris and more when removing damaged insulation and vapor barriers. Nuisance wildlife such as raccoons, skunks and opossums will tear down insulation, rip up vapor barriers and use the material for nesting. With raccoons it is also common to find they have pulled apart heating ducts that run through the crawl space to keep warm.  
Failure to properly clean up your crawl space after a rodent or wildlife infestation can lead to a myriad of problems. The urine and feces will begin to emit a nasty odor, especially during the warmer months.  This odor can travel throughout your home, and even outside depending on how severe the infestation is and the duration of time it goes unaddressed. Furthermore, the feces and urine can cause bacterial issues making the crawl space a contaminated and unsafe area. Another health concern is heating and air conditioning duct lines commonly running through the crawl space which can pull contaminated air from the crawl space into the live area of a home.  We encourage you to hire professionals, such as our team, for crawl space repair.  Someone who has extensive training and is equipped to clean, sanitize and repair your crawl space after a rodent or wildlife infestation.  We can give you peace of mind to know your family will be healthy and safe.

Clean-up & Decontamination: Service
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