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Insulation Removal & Replacement

Nuisance animals like bats, rats, squirrels & raccoons that have taken up residence inside your attic may have contaminated your insulation with their urine, droppings and parasites. These biological hazards will remain in the insulation after the animal problem is gone and may pose a lasting threat to your family’s health.  Our services include animal removal, exclusion and waste cleanup.  While the left behind animal feces and urine smell may be unpleasant or disgusting to humans, it’s a welcome sign to other critters that would infiltrate your home.  We can help you to bring your home back to a healthy, energy-efficient state.  Animal droppings and urine in your attic accumulate, especially with group nesting species like squirrels and rats. It may present a health risk for anyone who enters the area.
Zoonotic diseases, are diseases animals carry that can be transmitted to humans and could be present in the fecal matter left behind by your unwanted guests. If this contamination becomes airborne and a person inhales these particles, they may become ill.  Animal droppings can contain dangerous microorganisms and parasites that can cause serious diseases like hantavirus. Unless the issue is dealt with, these health hazards may spread through air conditioning ducts into other areas of your home.  This is a job your regular insulation contractor will not be able to handle. Most contractors have not invested in the equipment to handle potentially hazardous materials like animal-soiled insulation.
After cleanup, we will carefully replace any damaged insulation with new blown-in borate infused cellulose insulation.  Cellulose insulation is made primarily from recycled newspaper and is treated with boric acid which makes cellulose insulation fire retardant & repels rodents & insects

Insulation Removal & Replacement: Service
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